Misión de Joan para LPS
Joan is dedicated to your child's safety and success!
Littleton Public School’s Mission is “to educate all students for the future by challenging every individual to continuously learn, achieve and act with purpose and compassion in a safe and secure environment.” Joan Anderssen’s vast experience with LPS, both as a mother of LPS students and as a faculty member at Arapahoe Community College, has prepared to her to take LPS’s mission and to keep moving it forward.

The primary source of funding in the State of Colorado for Public Schools is student enrollment. This has been declining in the LPS school district.
Source 2021-2022 Adopted Budget of Littleton Public Schools:

The primary source of district revenues is driven by enrollment. For this reason, the district projects enrollment figures. However, since projections are an estimate of anticipated districtwide revenues and expenditures, enrollment projections also focus on districtwide estimates rather than per-location estimates.

With Joan’s strong background in Finance, Economics and Banking this is an area she hopes she can move LPS forward. This means finding other sources of revenue and working with the city to enhance affordable housing to allow younger families to move into the district.

The physical and mental well-being of students is Joan's top priority. Safety is a national concern and Joan wants to serve all 15,000 students in the LPS school system. Every child should feel safe when they come to school and never feel isolated. Safety comes in many forms and Joan will work to address many angles to make sure our children are safe, healthy, and happy.

Concurrent Enrollment allows 9th-12th graders to take college level courses and receive college credit for these courses to transfer to any Colorado Public college or university. This is not to replace AP – but an enhancement of the AP program. Of the surrounding school districts, LPS is lowest in its offerings of these courses. As Faculty at Arapahoe Community College Joan wants to work on moving more students into these types of classes.
Career tech education is a major pathway for student success. Student's can start their program at the new Career Exploration Center earning both high school and college credits. They may finish a certification at the new center or go on to a further degree at Arapahoe Community College.

Technology is a valuable tool as long as properly integrated into the curriculum at all levels of education. It is a tool that students need to master to be successful in almost any career pathway. Joan has been recognized for her integration and knowledge of technology to help students master important tools to forward their success. However, access and expense are the two largest hurdles for every education system. This means building partnerships within the community and outside of it. Joan is great at bridging partnerships.

¡Mantenga a LPS avanzando!
Aquà hay algunas formas en que puede ayudar a Joan Anderssen a lograr su misión de mejorar el distrito al ser elegida para la Junta de Escuelas Públicas de Littleton.